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Barrhill Woods Bed and Breakfast has basic facilities to help those who are a little less mobile.


The access to the property can be via a ramp with a very small threshold to navigate to enter or a couple of steps.  With thick pile carpet throughout for some this may make movement a bit tougher.  All guest rooms, including the lounge and sunroom, are on one level.


Bedroom 1 (Thistle) has a private bathroom directly across the hallway.  The bath, has a door into it, (the opening is approximately 18cms high). There is a winch strap to help lower and raise oneself in the bath.  Care would be needed to ensure that you don't slip as you lower and raise, and whilst there is a bath mat to help prevent slipping, using the bath will be at your own risk. There is also a powerful over bath shower. 


By the toilet, which is standard height, there is a deployable handle on the left hand side and a grab rail on the right.


Much as I would love to have facilities to cater for all and any mobility condition, that is not possible, so please take the time to decide if these facilities will be sufficient for your condition.


For insurance purposes, if you have mobility struggles, please book Bedroom 1, which has the Private Bathroom.  In the extreme circumstances that an urgent exit is required, this is closest room to the exit, and the furthest room from any possible source of danger (i.e. the kitchen).


The front door, the private bathroom, bedroom 1 and lounge doors are all wider than standard doors.


If you are mobile but just need a little 'help' the en-suite shower room to the Cornflower Bedroom (which is the smallest bedroom) does have a permanent deployable seat in the shower and a grab handle on the left hand side.  The lip of the shower is approximately 14cms high.  The shower room is quite small with a standard size door that opens into it.  If there is a risk of falling, (which could potentially mean no one would be able to access the room to help) this room should not be booked.  The toilet is standard height and there is a grab handle on the right by the sink to help stand and sit.  The sink should not be used to help pull oneself up as it is only resting in the vanity unit and not secured to the wall.   The doors into this room and its' ensuite are standard width.


Do call me to have a chat to confirm what is available.



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